For a quick overview, I'm living with German in his house. He attends the Paz de Dios church and I knew him from the last time I was down here. It's been great reconnecting. He built his house a few years ago on the outskirts of Cuenca. The house is built on the side of a hill with a spectacular view of the valley below. It has more of a country feel than city. It usually takes 20 minutes to get most places in the city from here at the house. He raises chickens and guinea pigs. The house is made out of brick and has beautiful hardwood floors.
German's house
Yesterday morning I met with Pastor Santiago to begin planning and to have a time of Bible study. A couple times a week we're going to study the book of 1Tim. together. Everything hasn't been finalized, but it looks like I'll be teaching some classes of Bible and Computers a couple times a week. These classes have a few purposes beyond the obvious. I hope to use this as an opportunity to teach English, but most importantly a time to teach character and discipleship. This is Pastor Santiago's vision as well and he has been passing it on to the homeschooling parents. It's such a blessing to work together with him.
In the late morning I went and ran some errands with Pastor Santiago. We checked on internet and also stopped by to visit one of the homeschooling families. I'm still trying to learn all the names, but this family is homeschooling their 3 girls. They were excited to show me some of there most recent projects and some of their curriculum as well. Please pray for these families that the Lord
would give them the grace and enthusiasm to stay focused on this tremendous task they have begun. I hope to meet with the rest of the homeschool families this upcoming week.
Yesterday afternoon I ran some more errands with Pastor Santiago. This time Josue and Juan came along. They are being homeschooled as well. Part of Pastor Santiago's vision is to have opportunities for service and ministry for the homeschool kids. A lady from the church needs fence an area land, so the main purpose of the errand was to find some cement posts for the fence. In a couple days a group from the church will have a minga (work bee) and get together to help build the fence.
While we were running errands, Santiago decided it was a good time fro me to try my hand at driving in Ecuador. I have my international permit, and I was pleased to have the practice. Driving is quite different here. The roads seem more congested and there are round-abouts all over. Thankfully, we had no mishaps and made it to every place we needed.
I was reading in Ezekiel 33 this morning about how the Lord made Ezekiel a watchman for the children of Israel. What a challenging passage. Who has the Lord placed in your life? Who do you need to warn? Every day souls are being lost for eternity. Are you being faithful to share Christ with the contacts you have?
German and I went for a 8 km run this morning. It was all hills either up or down. When we got to the very top of one hill, we were able to look and see the city of Cuenca below us. The cry of my heart was "Lord, use me to reach these souls."
1 comment:
Justo - Glad to hear that you arrived safely and uneventfully. It sounds as though you are already enjoying your short time there and that you are getting plenty to eat. As Lucas said, please stop! It's not even close to lunchtime here! May God bless your days!
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